"New Black Basta Decryptor Exploits Ransomware Flaw to Recover Files"

Researchers have developed a decryptor that uses a flaw in the Black Basta ransomware and allows victims to recover their files for free. However, Bleeping Computer has discovered that the Black Basta developers fixed the bug in their encryption routine, thus preventing the decryptor technique from being used in newer attacks. Security Research Labs (SRLabs) developed the 'Black Basta Buster' decryptor after finding a flaw in the encryption algorithm applied for the gang's encryptors that enables the discovery of the ChaCha keystream used to XOR encrypt a file. This article continues to discuss the Black Basta decryptor.

Bleeping Computer reports "New Black Basta Decryptor Exploits Ransomware Flaw to Recover Files"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on