"Wiper Malware Found in Analysis of Iran-Linked Attacks on Albanian Institutions"

In the attacks on Albanian organizations earlier in December 2023, Iran-linked hackers used wiper malware dubbed No-Justice. The attacks, linked to the Iranian threat actor known as Homeland Justice, targeted the Albanian parliament, two telecommunications companies, and the country's flag air carrier. Although the hackers claimed to have stolen data from the targeted systems, this claim has yet to be confirmed. ClearSky researchers identified two main tools used in this campaign: No-Justice and a PowerShell script. No-Justice can crash the targeted Windows operating system so that it cannot be rebooted. The PowerShell script is designed to copy and spread the wiper to other machines in the network before its activation. This article continues to discuss findings regarding the Iran-linked attacks on Albanian institutions.

The Record reports "Wiper Malware Found in Analysis of Iran-Linked Attacks on Albanian Institutions"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on