"Chinese Researchers Use Quantum To Protect E-Commerce Transactions"

Researchers from Nanjing University and Renmin University in China have significantly advanced e-commerce security by developing the world's first five-user online trading platform using quantum technology. Their research could improve online transaction security. Traditional e-commerce systems, which are protected by classical encryption algorithms, are becoming increasingly vulnerable to hacking, particularly with the rise of powerful quantum computing. In order to address this vulnerability, cryptologists have been studying the use of quantum entanglement to distribute unhackable quantum states, protecting against identity theft and payment fraud. The team's e-commerce protocol is based on a new type of Quantum Digital Signature (QDS), which generates correlated bit strings among multiple remote parties using quantum laws, ensuring transaction integrity and authenticity. This article continues to discuss the researchers' breakthrough in e-commerce security.

The Quantum Insider reports "Chinese Researchers Use Quantum To Protect E-Commerce Transactions"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on