"Researchers Unveil New Way to Counter Mobile Phone 'Account Takeover' Attacks"

A team of computer science researchers developed a new method for identifying security vulnerabilities that leave people exposed to Account Takeover (ATO) attacks. In such attacks, hackers gain unauthorized access to online accounts. Most mobile devices now contain a complex ecosystem of interconnected operating software and apps. In conjunction with the growth in connections among online services, there has been a rise in opportunities for hackers to exploit security flaws. In order to understand and thwart these attacks, researchers have had to enter the mindset of the hacker, who can launch a complex attack by combining smaller tactical steps. The researchers have defined a way for cataloging security vulnerabilities and modeling ATO attacks by breaking them down into constituent building blocks. This article continues to discuss the team's new way to combat mobile phone ATO attacks.

The University of Birmingham reports "Researchers Unveil New Way to Counter Mobile Phone 'Account Takeover' Attacks"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on