"New Protocol Kills Dead Air for Quantum Communication - The Technique Can Boost Transmission Rates and Improve Security"

Quantum communication transmission rates have been limited by the "dead time" of single-photon detectors. Researchers at LG Electronics in South Korea recently revealed a new protocol to improve transmission rates while also increasing security. The novel protocol introduces techniques for overcoming the limitations posed by single-photon detectors' dead time and channel loss. Single-photon detectors are critical for Quantum Secure Direct Communication (QSDC) because they enable the detection of individual photons without compromising their quantum states, thus allowing parties to communicate securely. QSDC uses the unique properties of quantum mechanics to establish a secure and direct communication channel between two parties. This article continues to discuss the technique that boosts transmission rates and improves security.

IEEE Spectrum reports "New Protocol Kills Dead Air for Quantum Communication - The Technique Can Boost Transmission Rates and Improve Security"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on