"31 People Arrested in Global Cybercrime Crackdown"

Law enforcement in 50 countries recently arrested 31 individuals in a global operation targeting ransomware, banking malware, and phishing.  Named Synergia and running from September to November 2023, the operation resulted in the identification of more than 1,300 suspicious command-and-control (C&C) servers, 70% of which have been taken down.  The Interpol-led operation extended to the APAC, EMEA, and other regions, involving 60 law enforcement agencies across 50 participating countries.  Interpol noted that most of the C&C servers taken down were in Europe, with 153 and 86 other servers shut down in Hong Kong and Singapore, respectively. The malicious infrastructure was distributed across over 200 web hosting providers worldwide.  Interpol noted that authorities in Europe arrested 26 individuals, with four others arrested in South Sudan and Zimbabwe. An additional 70 suspects were identified.  Authorities in Bolivia focused on identifying malware and resulting vulnerabilities, while those in Kuwait worked with internet service providers to identify victims.  Interpol noted that law enforcement also performed house searches and seized servers and electronic devices presumably used to perpetrate cybercrime.


SecurityWeek reports: "31 People Arrested in Global Cybercrime Crackdown"

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