"The IC Is Reigning-in Trojan AI Intruders"

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) launched the Trojans in Artificial Intelligence (TrojAI) program, which aims to defend AI systems by researching and developing technology capable of detecting and mitigating Trojan attacks. Although AI improves the Intelligence Community's (IC) capabilities, it also raises serious security concerns. The IC faces the challenge of protecting AI systems from malicious Trojan attacks, also known as backdoor or data poisoning attacks. These attacks rely on training AI to react to a certain trigger in its inputs. An adversary can control the trigger in an AI's operating environment to enable Trojan behavior. This article continues to discuss the TrojAI program.

IARPA reports "The IC Is Reigning-in Trojan AI Intruders"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on