"Travelers Targeted With Booking.com Refund Malware"

According to Forcepoint researchers, scammers are targeting users of the popular travel-related service provider Booking.com with Agent Tesla malware disguised as inquiries. Attackers send emails impersonating Booking.com, instructing the recipient to check an attached malware-infected PDF for a card statement. They exploit the stress caused by last-minute travel-related emails. Agent Tesla malware is an advanced Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that serves as a keylogger and information stealer. It is one of the most widely used RATs, impacting up to 7 percent of organizations worldwide. This article continues to discuss the targeting of online travelers in an Agent Tesla malware campaign.

Cybernews reports "Travelers Targeted With Booking.com Refund Malware"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on