"UNO Researchers at Forefront of Cybersecurity in American Ports"

Professors George Grispos, Ph.D., and William Mahoney, Ph.D., at the University of Nebraska Omaha's (UNO) College of Information Science and Technology (IS&T) are researching vulnerabilities faced by onboard systems as well as shipping and receiving ports. Their study highlights potential vulnerabilities such as false data manipulation in ship navigation systems and GPS spoofing attacks on port infrastructure. They are also looking into how cyberattacks impact various systems. Concerns regarding the cybersecurity of American ports have grown in recent years due to the digitization of maritime operations. This article continues to discuss the researchers' exploration of cybersecurity in American ports.

The University of Nebraska Omaha reports "UNO Researchers at Forefront of Cybersecurity in American Ports"

Submitted by grigby1

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