"Researchers Develop Tantalizing Method to Study Cyberdeterrence"

An experimental multiplayer online war game named "Tantalus," after a figure from Greek mythology, provides insightful data for real-world cyberattacks. Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have used the game to study different conditions in cyberdeterrence strategies. The game is a human research study designed to collect data on how people's decisions during threatening situations affect national security. According to Jon Whetzel, the lead online game designer, the goal is to gain further insight into the theory of cyberdeterrence, which holds that the threat of cyberattacks can influence or inhibit the actions of others. This article continues to discuss the experimental multiplayer online war game used to study cyberdetterence.

Sandia National Laboratories reports "Researchers Develop Tantalizing Method to Study Cyberdeterrence"

Submitted by grigby1

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