"RedLine Malware Top Credential Stealer of Last 6 Months"

According to new research published by Specops, RedLine malware was used to steal over 170 million passwords in the last six months, making it the most notorious credential stealer during that period. The malware was used in half of all cyber incidents involving stolen passwords, significantly surpassing the next closest stealer, Vidar. Vidar was used to steal over 65 million passwords. Raccoon Stealer, the malware responsible for the theft of over 42 million passwords, ranks third, making up 11.7 percent. The other top credential stealers included Meta, Cryptbot, Risepro, Stealc, Azorult, Aurora, and Darkcrystal. This article continues to discuss findings regarding the top malware hackers use to steal passwords.

SC Magazine reports "RedLine Malware Top Credential Stealer of Last 6 Months"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on