NSF Funded Undergraduate Computer Research in Cybersecurity and AI (UnCoRe-CyberAI)

NSF Funded Undergraduate Computer Research in Cybersecurity and AI (UnCoRe-CyberAI)

Program Duration: 5/20/2024 ~ 7/26/2024
Application Deadline: 3/31/2024
Application Link: https://etap.nsf.gov/award/6667/opportunity/9110

Sharing this on behalf of Oakland University.

Please see and share the attached flyer for an NSF REU (research experience for undergraduates) program in Cybersecurity and AI at Oakland University.  A summary is below.

NSF Funded Undergraduate Computer Research in Cybersecurity and AI (UnCoRe-CyberAI) at Oakland University


  • $7,000 stipend
  • Travel allowance
  • Food allowance
  • Room and board

Download the flier for more information here.

Submitted by Regan Williams on