"Researchers Highlight Potential Cybersecurity Threats to Trucking Industry, Supply Chain"

Researchers at Colorado State University have released a new paper detailing vulnerabilities found in commercial trucking systems. The exploitation of these vulnerabilities could enable hackers to take control of, steal data from, or disrupt entire fleets by spreading malware between vehicles. The study delves into the trucking industry's cybersecurity gaps through Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs). This federally mandated supplemental system tracks hours of service compliance and other metrics for later inspection and is closely linked to vehicle control systems. ELDs are not currently required to have security features. The paper, for example, shows how they can be wirelessly controlled from the road to force trucks to pull over. This article continues to discuss the research that highlights cybersecurity gaps in the trucking industry through ELDs. 

Colorado State University reports "Researchers Highlight Potential Cybersecurity Threats to Trucking Industry, Supply Chain"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on