"'Uninvited Guests' Wins National Security Agency Award"

A team of researchers from Stony Brook University won the National Security Agency's (NSA) 11th Annual Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper award for their paper titled "Uninvited Guests: Analyzing the Identity and Behavior of Certificate Transparency Bots." The winning paper focused on autonomous systems that probe newly created websites. The Stony Brook researchers discovered tens of thousands of malicious bots involved in suspicious activities such as data exfiltration, reconnaissance, and vulnerability exploitation. They developed the Certificate Transparency Honeypot (CTPOT), the first honeypot that studied attackers who identify victims through the Certificate Transparency mechanism applied by modern websites and Certificate Authorities. This article continues to discuss the winning paper. 

Stony Brook University reports "'Uninvited Guests' Wins National Security Agency Award"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on