"Vietnamese Cybercrime Group CoralRaider Nets Financial Data"

A new Vietnam-connected cybercrime group called "CoralRaider" has targeted individuals and organizations in Asia, stealing social media account information and user data. CoralRaider, which first emerged in late 2023, mainly uses social engineering techniques and legitimate services to exfiltrate data. The group creates custom tools for loading malware onto victim systems. However, according to a new analysis by researchers with Cisco's Talos threat intelligence group, the group has made some mistakes, such as inadvertently infecting their own systems and exposing their activities. Although Vietnam has become more active in cyber operations, Chetan Raghuprasad, security research technical leader for Cisco's Talos group, does not believe CoralRaider is working with the government. This article continues to discuss observations regarding the CoralRaider cybercrime group.

Dark Reading reports "Vietnamese Cybercrime Group CoralRaider Nets Financial Data"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on