"Daixin Ransomware Gang Claims Attack on Omni Hotels"

The Daixin Team ransomware gang claimed responsibility for a recent cyberattack against Omni Hotels & Resorts, threatening to publish sensitive customer information if a ransom is not paid. A warning was issued in October 2022 about the Daixin Team cybercrime gang launching ransomware attacks against the US Healthcare and Public Health (HPH) sector. Since then, the group has been linked to a number of incidents involving the theft of Patient Health Information (PHI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Daixin Team gains access to target networks by exploiting known vulnerabilities in the organization's Virtual Private Network (VPN) servers or by using compromised VPN credentials associated with accounts that have disabled Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This article continues to discuss the history of the Daixin Team gang and its recent attack on Omni Hotels & Resorts.

Bleeping Computer reports "Daixin Ransomware Gang Claims Attack on Omni Hotels"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on