"The Future of Online Security Safeguarded by AI and Metasurfaces"

A team of researchers at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) significantly advanced online security by integrating an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based metasurface with oblique helicoidal cholesteric liquid crystals. The continued development of digital technology calls for greater security for personal data online. Encryption systems are critical to the stability of Internet communication and serve as the foundation for online privacy. The fusion of metasurface technology, which is known for its light manipulation capabilities, with holograms has sparked significant interest in the field of online security. However, there have been limitations regarding how much information can be stored on a single metasurface. To overcome this challenge, the team used an inverse design technique powered by AI to encode holograms with different colors and shapes across ten wavelengths. This article continues to discuss the study "Dynamic Hyperspectral Holography Enabled by Inverse-Designed Metasurfaces with Oblique Helicoidal Cholesterics."

Pohang University of Science and Technology reports "The Future of Online Security Safeguarded by AI and Metasurfaces"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on