"Alarming Decline in Cybersecurity Job Postings in the US"

Security researchers at CyberSN warn that the overall number of cybersecurity job postings in the US decreased by 22% from 2022 to 2023. The researchers said this decline is alarming and could impact national security, as some of these roles are essential for maintaining organizational and national cyber defenses. The most significant decline is in research roles, which saw a general 69% drop year-on-year between 2022 and 2023. According to the researchers this suggests a move away from proactive threat analysis and mitigation. Job postings for engineer roles have also significantly decreased, with the most posted role in the cybersecurity field, security engineer, experiencing a 21% drop. Meanwhile, product security engineers' job ads have plummeted by 57%.  According to the researchers, not all cyber roles are in decline. For instance, response roles saw the largest growth, with a 100% increase in job postings, indicating a shift towards reactionary measures rather than preventative strategies.


Infosecurity Magazine reports: "Alarming Decline in Cybersecurity Job Postings in the US"

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