"Autodesk Drive Abused in Phishing Attacks"

Netcraft warns that compromised email accounts are being used by threat actors to send phishing emails with links to PDF files hosted on Autodesk Drive. Attackers have used compromised email accounts to send phishing emails to existing contacts, even including the victim's signature footer. To add legitimacy, the attackers have included a shortened link to a malicious PDF hosted on Autodesk Drive in the message body, along with the sender's and company's names. When the recipient opens the document, they are directed to a phishing page requesting their Microsoft account username and password. This article continues to discuss the new phishing campaign involving the abuse of compromised email accounts and targeting corporate users with PDF files hosted on Autodesk Drive.

SecurityWeek reports "Autodesk Drive Abused in Phishing Attacks"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on