"New Research Suggests Africa Is Being Used As a 'Testing Ground' for Nation State Cyber Warfare"

Performanta researchers noticed a trend in how nation-state actors target developing countries. The company analyzed "Medusa," a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) that targets organizations worldwide. Observed patterns suggest that ransomware activities are not entirely random, and there are strategies focusing on organizations within developing countries as initial targets. According to Guy Golan, CEO and Executive Chairman of Performanta, the company's analysis finds that the African continent has become a testing ground for nation-state attacks. A 10-year review of the cyber threat landscape in South Africa discovered that trained hackers were the most common attackers, with finance, manufacturing, and energy being the most likely targets. This article continues to discuss findings surrounding the African continent becoming a testing ground for nation-state attacks.

Dark Reading reports "New Research Suggests Africa Is Being Used As a 'Testing Ground' for Nation State Cyber Warfare"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on