"Brandywine Realty Trust Hit by Ransomware"

Philadelphia-based real estate company Brandywine Realty Trust recently fell victim to a ransomware attack that disrupted some of its business applications. In a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Monday, the real estate investment trust revealed that the incident occurred on May 1 and involved unauthorized access to portions of its IT environment. The company noted that the attackers deployed file-encrypting ransomware on a portion of its internal corporate systems, disrupting business applications that support certain operations and corporate functions, such as the financial and operating reporting systems. Brandywine Realty Trust says that the incident has been contained and that they have started restoring the impacted IT systems. The company’s real estate operations have not been affected, and the incident has not had a material impact on operations yet. The company says there is evidence that the attackers have exfiltrated certain files from the compromised systems, but it has yet to determine the extent of the data breach and whether any personal information was stolen. The company noted that as the investigation of the incident is ongoing, the full scope, nature, and impact of the incident are not yet known.


SecurityWeek reports: "Brandywine Realty Trust Hit by Ransomware"

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