"Europol Identifies 8 Cybercriminals Tied to Malware Loader Botnets"

Europol and German law enforcement have recently revealed the identities of eight cybercriminals linked to the various malware droppers and loaders disrupted as part of the Operation Endgame law enforcement operation.  Europol said that Operation Endgame led to the seizure of 100 servers used in multiple malware operations, including IcedID, Pikabot, Trickbot, Bumblebee, Smokeloader, and SystemBC.  The law enforcement crackdown also involved four arrests, one in Armenia and three in Ukraine.  The eight cybercriminals of Russian descent are thought to have central roles in the Smokeloader and Trickbot malware operations.  The eight wanted cybercriminals are Airat Rustemovich Gruber, Oleg Vyacheslavovich Kucherov, Sergey Valerievich Polyak, Fedor Aleksandrovich Andreev, Georgy Sergeevich Tesman, Anton Alexandrovich Bragin, Andrei Andreyevich Cherepanov, and Nikolai Nikolaevich Chereshnev.  Europol has no information about the current location and whereabouts of the eight cybercriminals.  They are believed to reside in Russia, except for Kucherov, which Europol believes lives in the United Arab Emirates.  


BleepingComputer reports: "Europol Identifies 8 Cybercriminals Tied to Malware Loader Botnets"

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