"Arid Viper Hackers Spy in Egypt and Palestine Using Android Spyware"

Researchers at ESET discovered five cyber espionage campaigns targeting Android users in Egypt and Palestine with trojanized apps. The campaigns have been attributed to the "Arid Viper" hacking group with medium confidence. ESET researchers named the spyware used to infect target Android apps "AridSpy." The malicious apps impersonate NortirChat, LapizaChat, ReblyChat, PariberyChat, and RenatChat. This article continues to discuss cyber espionage campaigns targeting Android users in Egypt and Palestine with trojanized apps.

Infosecurity Magazine reports "Arid Viper Hackers Spy in Egypt and Palestine Using Android Spyware"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on