"Scattered Spider Pivots to SaaS Application Attacks"

Recent attacks on customer accounts hosted by the Snowflake data warehousing platform suggest that threat actors are shifting to targeting Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application environments. Mandiant recently released a report on another large threat actor who has started targeting enterprise data in SaaS applications, expanding its usual focus on Microsoft cloud environments and on-premises infrastructure. The threat actor, "UNC3944," is an English-speaking group that other vendors have tracked under various names such as "Scattered Spider," "Scatter Swine," "Octo Tempest," and "0ktapus." This article continues to discuss the shift among threat actors to targeting SaaS application environments.

Dark Reading reports "Scattered Spider Pivots to SaaS Application Attacks"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on