"SnailLoad: New Security Loophole Allows Spying on Internet Users Visiting Websites and Watching Videos"

In an attack called "SnailLoad," computer scientists from the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communication Technology (IAIK) at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) were able to track users' online activities in detail by analyzing fluctuations in the speed of their Internet connection. The attack does not require malicious code or access to the data traffic. Internet users leave traces on websites and online services. Firewalls, Virtual Private Network (VPN) connections, and browser privacy modes are measures that provide some level of data protection. However, the SnailLoad loophole bypasses all of these measures. This article continues to discuss the SnailLoad attack.

Graz University of Technology reports "SnailLoad: New Security Loophole Allows Spying on Internet Users Visiting Websites and Watching Videos"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on