"Australian Police Arrest Suspect in Fake Wi-Fi Scam Targeting Airport Passengers"

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has recently arrested a 42-year-old Australian resident who allegedly established a network of fake free Wi-Fi access points in airports.  Dubbed "evil twin" Wi-Fi devices, the AFP noted that the access points were installed at multiple locations and mimicked legitimate networks to capture personal data from unsuspecting victims who mistakenly connected to them.  The AFP said that when people tried to connect their devices to the free Wi-Fi networks, they were taken to a fake webpage requiring them to sign in using their email or social media logins.  Those details were then allegedly saved to the man's devices.  The AFP noted that the email and password details harvested could be used to access more personal information, including a victim's online communications, stored images and videos, or bank details.


Infosecurity Magazine reports: "Australian Police Arrest Suspect in Fake Wi-Fi Scam Targeting Airport Passengers"

Submitted by Adam Ekwall on