"Paris 2024 Olympics Face Escalating Cyber Threats"

Cybersecurity analysts at FortiGuard Labs have warned of a significant uptick in cyber threats targeting the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympics. The researchers noted that cybercriminals have been intensifying their efforts for more than a year, gearing up with sophisticated tools and tactics aimed at exploiting the global event.  The researchers said there was a substantial surge in darknet activity, with an 80-90% increase observed between the second half of 2023 and the first half of 2024.  The researchers say they saw a huge increase in phishing kits tailored for the Olympics.  These kits enable even amateur cybercriminals to craft deceptive emails and websites, tricking unsuspecting users into divulging personal information or downloading malware. The researchers also say they saw a rise in hacktivist activities, particularly from groups with geopolitical agendas aiming to disrupt the Olympics for political motives.  These groups, including those from Russia and Belarus, are leveraging the event’s international prominence to amplify their messages through cyber disruptions.  


Infosecurity Magazine reports: "Paris 2024 Olympics Face Escalating Cyber Threats"

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