"Cybersecurity Flaws Could Derail High-Profile Cycling Races"

A team of computer scientists from the University of California San Diego and Northeastern University found that high-end bicycles used for high-profile road races are vulnerable to cyberattacks targeting their wireless gear-shifting system. Bicycle manufacturers have increasingly implemented wireless gear-shifting technology, giving riders better control over changing gears. How these wireless systems have been developed has created critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities. According to the researchers, the discovered security vulnerabilities can severely impact rider safety and performance, especially in professional bike races. They are working with Shimano, one of the leading bicycle component manufacturers, to fix the vulnerabilities. This article continues to discuss the study "MakeShift: Security Analysis of Shimano Di2 Wireless Gear Shifting in Bicycles."

UC San Diego reports "Cybersecurity Flaws Could Derail High-Profile Cycling Races"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on