"Kryptina Ransomware Resurfaces in Enterprise Attacks By Mallox"

SentinelLabs presented research at LABScon 2024 that brought attention to the resurfacing of "Kryptina," a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) tool, in enterprise attacks. The tool, which was initially available for free on dark web forums, has been adopted by "Mallox" ransomware group affiliates. The Kryptina platform, first released in December 2023, did not gain much attention among cybercriminals, but in May 2024, a Mallox affiliate leaked server data, revealing the use of a modified version of Kryptina to be used in Linux-based ransomware attacks. This article continues to discuss the reemergence of the Kryptina ransomware.

Infosecurity Magazine reports "Kryptina Ransomware Resurfaces in Enterprise Attacks By Mallox"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on