Improving the Usability of Security Requirements by Software Developers through Empirical Studies and Analysis
Lead PI:
Travis Breaux

This project aims to discover general theory to explain what cues security experts use to decide when to apply security requirements and how to present those cues in the form of security patterns to novice designers in a way that yields improved security designs.


PIs: Travis Breaux (CMU), Laurie Williams, & Jianwei Niu (CMU)
Student: Maria Riaz

Travis Breaux

Dr. Breaux is the Director of the CMU Requirements Engineering Lab, where his research program investigates how to specify and design software to comply with policy and law in a trustworthy, reliable manner. His work historically concerned the empirical extraction of legal requirements from policies and law, and has recently studied how to use formal specifications to reason about privacy policy compliance, how to measure and reason over ambiguous and vague policies, and how security and privacy experts and novices estimate the risk of system designs.

To learn more, read about his ongoing research projects or contact him.