LASER 2014 - Workshop on Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results

Date: Oct 15, 2014 7:00 am – Oct 16, 2014 4:00 pm
Location: Arlington, VA

The LASER workshop invites papers that strive to exemplify the practice of science in cyber security. The goal of this series of workshops, now in its third year, is to address the practice of good science. We encourage participants who want to help others improve their practice and participants who want to improve their own practice. LASER welcomes papers that are:

- Exemplars of the practice of science in cyber security.
- Promising works-in-progress that would benefit from expert feedback.

LASER seeks to foster a dramatic change in the paradigm of cyber security research and experimentation. Participants will find LASER to be a constructive and highly interactive venue featuring informal paper presentations and extended discussions. To promote a high level of interaction, attendance is anticipated to be limited to about 40 people. However, to support a high level of student participation, this limit may be increased.

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Submitted by Dan Wolf on