Cybersecurity America's Greatest Threat - Director of National Intelligence

On February 9th, 2016, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) released a report,  Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

The report calls out cyber threats as the greatest with special interests in Internet of Things (IoT), Artifical Intelligence, Foreign Data Science and Augmented Reality and virtual Reality. 

The report states that future cyber operations will almost certainly include an increased emphasis on chaning or manipulating data to comprose its integrity (ie accuracy and reliability) to affect decisionmaking, reduce trust in systems, or cause adverse physical effects.

Highlighting the desire to change data, it provided a case study of a mjaor US Network equipment manufacturer acknowledge that someone repeatedly gained access to its networks to change source code to make its products default encryption breakabout and included a default password.

The report also documents other threats and actors relevant to threats.

James Clapper's Testimony Video

Popular Science's Take on the Report.

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