Cards Promoting Validity

Normally, blog posts about a super bowl commerial would not rate as interesting for the Science of Security community. However; one did.

Cards Against Humanity is a irreverant (lots of other adjectives fit here) card game. They did a stunt commerial on the Super Bowl pre-game show. It was 30 seconds of a picture of a potato with advertisement written on it. (I didn't actually see the commerial). They followed it up with a blog post about what went wrong with their "failed" super bowl commerial. While all done in satire (I think), one aspect stood out. The post said they did not consider external validity in their market research. Yes, they talked validity. Which, as we know from the SoS NCSU Lablet project; most scientific papers published in IEEE Security and Privacy 2015 failed to address validity.

So what do we have? a commical blog post mentioning threats to validity when the science world often does not.

Blog Post:

SoS Lablet Article:

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