"DRM concerns arise as W3C’s Tim Berners-Lee approves the EME specification"

The approval of the Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) specification by W3C’s director, Tim Berners-Lee, has sparked concerns and debates in pertinence to the security and privacy of users. Philippe Le Hégaret, project management lead for the W3C, has stated that the specification stands as a better alternative than other platforms in addressing security, privacy, and accessibility for users as it fully utilizes the web browser instead of relying on a plugin to enable the playback of protected content. However, the allowance for Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) by EME, still ignites great concerns for the security and privacy of users. This article further discusses the reason behind the approval of EME, implications of DRM on users, and what actions are being taken against EME and DRM.

SD Times reports "DRM concerns arise as W3C’s Tim Berners-Lee approves the EME specification"

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