“CyberX Security Researchers Demonstrate How to Jump the ICS/SCADA Air Gap at Black Hat Europe 2017”

Security researchers at CyberX, a leading ICS security vendor, will demonstrate an attack in which Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are targeted in order to jump the industrial control system (ICS) air gap and exfiltrate confidential information. This demonstration rejects the notion that air-gapped networks are invulnerable to targeted attacks. This article further discusses the demonstration of this attack that will be performed by CyberX researchers at Black Hat Europe 2017, why PLCs are targeted rather than PC-based systems in this attack, the susceptibility of air-gapped networks to targeted attacks by persistent adversaries, other findings shared by CyberX in relation to ICS networks, and suggestions for defending against targeted ICS attacks. 

PR Newswire reports “CyberX Security Researchers Demonstrate How to Jump the ICS/SCADA Air Gap at Black Hat Europe 2017”


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