"Researchers: Aircraft Landing Systems Vulnerable"

Researchers from Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University in Boston have demonstrated the vulnerability of aircraft landing systems to spoofing attacks, which could be launched by attackers to misguide planes into missing runways. The possibility of spoofing wireless signals to critical aircraft landing systems have been demonstrated by researchers through the use of inexpensive software-defined radios (SDRs). It has been emphasized that most wireless systems used by aviation technology are vulnerable to cyber-physical attacks. The research is detailed in a paper, titled Wireless Attacks on Aircraft Instrument Landing Systems. This article continues to discuss how this study was conducted by researchers, the guidance systems used by modern airplanes, the attacks demonstrated against these navigation tools, and the need for more research in regard to building more secure aircraft landing systems. 

ISMG Network reports "Researchers: Aircraft Landing Systems Vulnerable"

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