"Unknowingly Loading Malicious Content from 'Trusted' Sites"

Findings from a study conducted by researchers from CSIRO's Data61, an arm of Australia's national science agency specializing in data and digital technology, reveals that about half of the Internet's most visited websites are vulnerable to being used for malicious activities. The vulnerability of these websites stem from the reliance on ad providers, content distribution networks, tracking services, analytics services, and other third parties used to load content. A dependency chain is created when such third parties load resources from other domains. As the original site trusts these domains and the dependency chain grows, the risk of malicious activity increases. This article continues to discuss the dependence of popular websites on third parties to import external resources and how dependency chains pose a threat to security and privacy. 

Homeland Security News Wire reports "Unknowingly Loading Malicious Content from 'Trusted' Sites"

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