"Rowhammer Variant RAMBleed Allows Attackers to Steal Secrets from RAM"

A new variant of the Rowhammer attack, called RAMBleed, has been detailed by a team of researchers. Rowhammer is a technique that causes electromagnetic leakage in memory and triggers bit flips, which leads to privilege escalation. Error-correcting code (ECC) memory can be used to mitigate Rowhammer attacks. The RAMBleed attack uses Rowhammer as read-side channel to read sensitive data stored in memory without the need to persistently flip bits in the memory space, allowing attackers to circumvent ECC protection. This article continues to discuss Rowhammer attacks and the research behind the new RAMBleed side-channel attack.

Security Week reports "Rowhammer Variant RAMBleed Allows Attackers to Steal Secrets from RAM"


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