"U.S. Issues Hacking Security Alert for Small Planes"

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) has issued an alert for small planes pertaining to the vulnerability of modern flight systems to hacking. According to the ICS Alert, a small device could be attached to an avionic CAN bus, allowing attackers to manipulate engine readings, compass data, altitude, and more, so that incorrect measurements are given to pilots. A pilot that is dependent on instrument readings could lose control of an aircraft if they are given false readings. Therefore, plane owners are urged to restrict physical access to their aircraft by unauthorized individuals. In addition, manufacturers of aircraft are encouraged to review the implementation of the CAN bus to limit the performance of such attacks. This article continues to discuss the vulnerability of small planes to being hacked and concerns surrounding aviation cybersecurity.

AP reports "U.S. Issues Hacking Security Alert for Small Planes" 

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