"Stolen Fingerprints Could Spell the End of Biometric Security – Here’s How to Save It"

A biometrics database, called Biostar 2, was recently found to be publicly accessible online. Researchers at VPNMentor were able to access the database containing over 27.8 million records, which included unencrypted fingerprint data, facial recognition data, access logs, and more. The Biostar 2 database is used by more than 5,000 organizations in 83 countries, including banks, defense contractors, and the police, for the security of warehouses or office buildings. This biometric data breach highlights the importance of bolstering biometrics security. The use of passwords or blockchain technology have been suggested as ways to improve biometrics security. This article continues to discuss the recent biometric data breach, the major problem with biometric security systems, and how biometrics security can be strengthened.

GCN reports "Stolen Fingerprints Could Spell the End of Biometric Security – Here’s How to Save It"

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