"Dangerous Cryptomining Worm Racks Up 850K Infections, Self-Destructs"

U.S. and French law enforcement with help from researchers at Avast took down a cryptomining worm, called Retadup. Law enforcement efforts resulted in the neutralization of 850,000 infections. The worm was discovered to be distributing XMRig, which is a malicious Monero cryptocurrency miner. Retadup largely targeted computers in Latin America that run the Windows operating system. The Avast Threat Intelligence team conducted an analysis of Retadup, which revealed that the worm's command-and-control infrastructure also had the ability to distribute other malware in addition to the miner. This article continues to discuss the Retadup worm in relation to its impact, process, capabilities, and takedown. 

Threatpost reports "Dangerous Cryptomining Worm Racks Up 850K Infections, Self-Destructs"

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