"Taxpayers Against Cities Paying up in Ransomware Attacks, Says Survey"

IBM Security and Morning Consult conducted a survey to which 2,200 U.S. citizens responded. Findings of the survey revealed that most taxpayers do not support the decision to pay ransoms with tax dollars in the event that their cities are hit with ransomware attacks. In addition, the FBI has recommended that victims do not give into the demands for ransom payments as the payment of ransoms would encourage hackers to execute more ransomware attacks. However, cities such as Lake City, Riviera City, Jackson City, and more, have decided to pay ransomware attackers due to the cost of recovering data and the major disruption of services. This article continues to discuss key findings of the survey in relation to U.S. citizens' thoughts on ransomware and the payment of ransoms by their local governments. 

ZDNet reports "Taxpayers Against Cities Paying up in Ransomware Attacks, Says Survey"

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