"Anonymous Researcher Drops vBulletin Zero-Day Impacting Tens of Thousands of Sites"

Details have been shared by an anonymous security researcher pertaining to a zero-day vulnerability in the most popular web forum software package, vBulletin. The publication of such details has raised concerns among security experts as it could lead to a significant increase in forum hacks. The analysis of the zero-day vulnerability revealed that it could be exploited by an attacker to execute shell commands on the server running a vBulletin installation, allowing forum installations to be hijacked. In addition, the vulnerability could allow information about internet users to be stolen in bulk. This article continues to discuss the zero-day flaw in regard to how its details were shared by the anonymous researcher as well as its impact on internet sites running a vBulletin forum and potential use by law enforcement. 

ZDNet reports "Anonymous Researcher Drops vBulletin Zero-Day Impacting Tens of Thousands of Sites"

Submitted by Anonymous on