"Magecart Web Skimming Group Targets Public Hotspots and Mobile Users"

Magecart is composed of multiple sophisticated hacking groups aimed at stealing credit card numbers through the performance of web-based card-skimming attacks. Security researchers from IBM's X-Force Incident Response and Intelligence Services team have discovered the testing of malicious scripts by Magecart Group 5 (MG5) to inject into websites via commercial routers in order to steal payment details. Previous Magecart attacks largely focused on injecting credit-card skimmers into checkout pages to steal payment details. High-profile brands that have been targeted by Magecart include British Airways, TicketMaster, and Newegg. This article continues to discuss the new tactics being used by one Magecart group to pilfer payment card information and the X-Force team's advice for website owners on how to protect their users from such attacks.

CSO Online reports "Magecart Web Skimming Group Targets Public Hotspots and Mobile Users"

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