"Facebook’s Bug Bounty Gets Bigger for Third-Party Apps"

In an effort to improve Facebook’s security and privacy, the social media giant will enhance its bug bounty programs by allowing security researchers to actively search for vulnerabilities in third-party apps and websites that integrate with its platform. Instead of passively observing third-party apps and websites for vulnerabilities, security researchers will be able to test the apps and websites for security flaws. However, they must have permission from the third-party to do so. Allowing security researchers to take on a more active approach will result in the discovery of more vulnerabilities as they would be able to look at the different ways in which a third-party app could be exploited by attackers to abuse a user’s data. In addition, those that discover rare security vulnerabilities will be rewarded with a $15,000 bonus. This article continues to discuss the expansion of Facebook’s bug bounty programs.   


CNET reports "Facebook’s Bug Bounty Gets Bigger for Third-Party Apps"

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