"Two Data Leaks Expose Millions of Records"

Two new security incidents have been discovered this past week.  These security incidents, demonstrate yet again how easily millions of records can be exposed, leaving customers open to the potential of identity theft and other criminal activity. The fist incident discovered was, reported last Friday.  Security researchers found an unsecured Adobe Creative Cloud database which left about 7.5 million customer records exposed for at least a week.  The second incident was reported on Monday, and had affected a company called UniCredit.  UniCredit is an Italian bank and financial services company.  The incident involved a file generated in 2015 containing a defined set of approximately 3 million records.  The two incidents exposed millions of names, email addresses as well as other information that could be used for identity theft, phishing attacks and more.

Bank Info Security reports: "Two Data Leaks Expose Millions of Records"

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