"Researchers Create Quantum Chip 1,000 Times Smaller Than Current Setups"

A tiny quantum communication chip has been developed by researchers at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore). The chip was designed to be smaller than existing quantum setups, while offering the same enhanced security expected of quantum technology. The chip offers the same superior security as other quantum setups in that it combines passwords with the delivered information to form a secure quantum key. The information and the quantum key that was integrated with it are destroyed after they have been received. As the chip requires significantly less space than current quantum communication setups, there is a possibility that more secure communication technologies can be implemented in smartphones, tablets, smart watches, and other compact devices. This article continues to discuss the size and security of the quantum communication chip as well as how quantum technology is expected to improve cybersecurity. 

Phys.org reports "Researchers Create Quantum Chip 1,000 Times Smaller Than Current Setups"

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