"Nautilus ATM Flaws Could Allow Hackers Access to Cash, Data"

Brenda So and Trey Keown, security researchers at Red Balloon Security Inc., discovered flaws in ATMs manufactured by Nautilus Hyosung America, the leading provider of ATMs to retail and financial institutions in the U.S. The exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow hackers to steal cash, credit card data, debit card data, and other personal financial information. According to the researchers, if a hacker were to gain access to the network to which a targeted ATM is connected, they could hijack the machine and circumvent the security measures that were implemented for it. These vulnerabilities only impact retail versions of Nautilus ATMs. In addition, the researchers also brought further attention to the availability of master keys to the ATMs for purchase on Amazon. This article continues to discuss the vulnerabilities found in Nautilus ATMs, what the exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow criminals to do, how many machines have been impacted by the security flaws, and how Nautilus Hyosung America responded to this discovery. 

Bloomberg reports "Nautilus ATM Flaws Could Allow Hackers Access to Cash, Data"


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