"Cyberattackers Taking Auto Industry for a Ride, FBI Reportedly Warns"

The FBI issued an alert to a select group of companies in the U.S. auto industry about the exploitation of network vulnerabilities as well as the execution of brute force attacks and phishing attacks to gain access into their networks. According to the FBI, there has been a significant increase in cyberattacks against the auto industry as indicated by recent ransomware attacks targeting car manufacturers, the compromise of systems used by these manufacturers, and the exfiltration of data such as employee email accounts. In addition to stealing sensitive information, malicious hackers have also been reported to be executing fraudulent wire transfers. The automotive attack surface is expected to expand as more autonomous, connected vehicle technology is implemented. This article continues to discuss the FBI alert issued to companies in the automotive sector about the advancement of cyberattacks on the auto industry and suggestions from security experts on how auto manufacturers can improve their security.

SC Media reports "Cyberattackers Taking Auto Industry for a Ride, FBI Reportedly Warns"

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