"Cyberattack Hit 10% of Louisiana's State Government Servers"

Neal Underwood, Louisiana's deputy chief information officer, recently discussed the ransomware attack that impacted 10% of computer network servers used by the Louisiana state government to conduct operations. Although the ransomware attack did not result in the loss of data and a  ransom payment to the perpetrators behind the attack, some agencies, including those at the Office of Motor Vehicles, were significantly affected by the attack. Technology staff are still working to get online systems and services functioning again. According to Underwood, some computer systems that were affected by the attack will have to be rebuilt, using backup and recovery systems. The source of the cyberattack is still unknown. This incident further emphasizes the importance of improving the security of state and local governments against ransomware attacks and other cyberattacks. This article continues to discuss the ransomware attack that hit Louisiana's state government servers in regard to its impact and response. 

Security Week reports "Cyberattack Hit 10% of Louisiana's State Government Servers"

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